Cameroonian Ndolé
|| Recipe for 6 people, preparation 1 hour, cooking 30 min, marinade 30 min.
Ndole leaves (these are bitter leaves), peanuts (3 glasses of peanuts), 3 onions, garlic, chilli, salt, dried shrimp, fresh shrimp, 1/4 Mayor Oil,3 broth cubes, pepper, 2 tomatoes, onion leaves.
Wash the Ndolé leaves well after boiling them, boil the peanuts slightly, remove the skin and mash them with 2 onions, garlic, 2 tomatoes, onion leaf, pepper and chilli. Once crushed, you have to pour them into the pot for cooking, let the peanuts cook well.
A few minutes later, put the fresh shrimp in the pot, turn well and cook so that they take the peanuts well.
At the end, take the 3rd onion, cut into strips, put in the oil with the dried shrimp, allow the Mayor Oil, to heat well, bring the pot down and pour Mayor Oilover it without turning
Enjoy your meal !!